August 26, 2012

Mary J. and BK

I discussed Chick-fil-A and the ridiculousness of that fiasco and now it’s Burger King’s turn. Theirs doesn’t deal with homosexuality. It deals with racism, or what some perceive to be a racist act, in what I call the most fucking ridiculous argument ever.

In a commercial that was released for BK, Mary J. Blige is singing about chicken. Now, before you go there you stereotypical bastard, watch the commercial. From it, there is nothing that can be even remotely considered racist. Is it only because she’s black and she’s dancing and singing about chicken? Seriously. Is it? That’s just a stereotype like all Asians are really smart and have small penises. Is it racist of me to say that? I'm sure there are some really stupid Asians and some who have large penises just as I'm sure there are black people who can't dance or sing and don't like chicken. I don't think a black woman dancing and singing about chicken is racist. I’d like to meet some of the people who were offended by this so I can punch them in their throats. Would a white guy make singing about chicken better? I really don’t understand.

What makes this even worse is the fact that Mary J. Blige fucking apologized for singing it. She thought what she was doing was right, but her lame-ass fans didn’t, so she apologized to them. This, in turn, prompted BK to apologize to her fans, too. What the fuck are they apologizing for? It’s fast food chicken. She’s singing. The end. Shut the fuck up and move on.