January 21, 2013

So This is 2013

I figured since I haven’t blogged in a while, I should at least write something to have the year 2013 stamped.

Did anyone watch the presidential inauguration in the US today? Me either, unless you count the 5 minutes I watched in the break room at work. Yes, I worked on MLK Day unlike you lazy sons uh bitches. MLK did say that you should do what you can to keep moving forward, so I guess if you think sitting at home on your ass while I work and pay for you to eat for free is moving forward, then, in the words of Dory in Finding Nemo, just keep swimming, but preferably in your own feces (that last part was all mine, not Dory’s). Careful though: cover your eyes or you’ll get pink eye.

As a final thought, I’d like to leave you with the name-call of the day: twat banjo. Feel free to get this one trending.

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."