November 21, 2012

Thankful – Day 21 – Underwear

Yep, underwear, for without it, everyone would have a nasty rash from blue jeans and we really would know what it looks like in that fat, hairy guy’s pants – you know, the one who always likes to wear the light colored pants with the half buttoned Hawaiian shirt?

People who go commando – without drawers – are highly disgusting people. The only time you should not be wearing drawers when clothed is for bathing suits/trunks. The rest of the time you should pretty much be wearing underwear unless you’re naked. In a perfect world, people would wear underwear that actually fits and doesn’t stick out of the top of their jeans – ladies, I’m talking to you with the thongs, guys I’m talking to you with plumber's cracks (I realize this goes both ways, girls have plumber’s cracks and guys wear thongs but that’s a whole ‘nother story). In any case, you should all be wearing underwear and I’m thankful that you do even if it doesn’t fit well. Baby steps.

"I know I'm forgetting something...."

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