November 17, 2012

Thankful – Day 17 – Queer

The word queer can be used for so many things. The most well-known usage is calling someone a queer as a derogatory form of calling them gay. Now, we all know that that’s not very nice but people have said worse. In reality, queer can be used for anything strange or odd. (Are gay people really strange or odd? Ok, some of them are, but so are heteros.) You can have queer clothing, a queer hair style, or a queer dog. You can be in a queer situation or feel queer. You can even queer someone and get them fired (in this case, it means to put someone in a bad position). I like the word queer because it’s like the word fuck in that it can be a noun, verb, or adjective. It’s a great word. People should stop being so queer and bring it back…with its original meaning. 

This is a queer quote.

1 comment:

insanislupus said...

This post is queer.