November 20, 2012

Thankful – Day 20 – Twinkies

With all the crap going on with Hostess and the (possible) selling of Twinkies, I have to say that I’ve never been that big of a Twinkies fan. Why am I thankful for them then? I’m glad you asked. For one, the sweet cream in the middle is like nothing else. I could live without the cake part…just give me a vat of the cream filling. They introduced the chocolate filled ones which are good, too, but not as good as the regular. There are also deep fried Twinkies that folks usually get at county fairs. Those are gross. Not everything should be deep fried, as hard as that is to believe. For two, I’ve been called a “Twinkie” a time or two without knowing why or the meaning behind it. I believe one direct quote was, “blah blah blah what’s a 25 year old Twinkie want with you blah blah blah.” I still don’t understand it 9 years later but now it makes me laugh every time I see Twinkies. So for that, I’m thankful.

"This is how you do it with a smile on your face, honey."

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